Thursday, 24 April 2014

code name: Chicken Run

soo im really liking where this idea is taking me so far and i was trying to think of a story line to follow, then came up with the conclusion to do a spin on the popular game skyrim, i think its a really cool twist and ive wrote a scene that i think would work really well and be amusing, even to people that dont play skyrim.

  soo lets ad some back story in this, theres a funny feature in skyrim where the worst crime you can comit is damaging a chicken, i find that amusing.

sooo ive got these ideas for characters and personalities,
the main character: cocky, self confident and a little stupid at times, not exactly a nice guy moral wise either.
the dog: hes a little bit more cunning, being a mute charecter hes going to use a lot of body actions and usually walks on 2 legs giving him a more human feel.
then the chicken: a rather dumb but lovable character who is actually pure evil at heart and loves to annoy the other two characters, him and the dog have a running feud that they eventually overcome to become a lovable duo.

okay soo lets hit this!

the setting is in a village names whiterun, a small nordic (viking looking village) and our "hero" has just returned from a quest he has completed and is here to claim his reward, hes walking through the town acting like hes the man, pointing and smiling at people only for them to give them a strange look, dog by his side shaking his head.
all is good untill the hero is stopped in his tracks. by a cute little chicken who turns his head to make eye contact then lets out a big "BUKAAA" the hero looking confused goes to take a large lunge step to his left to step around, but the chicken moves in his way, looking even more puzzled the hero then goes to the right but surprise the chicken moves in his way, this time letting out another "BUKAAA" (the dog is laughing during all of this and making sounds to provoke the hero) our hero goes quick to his left then to his right and back to his left but wherever he moves the chicken follows, the hero then turns around the go the other way to find the chicken in his path again "BUKAAA" he then decides to slowly walk backwards then turns and runs, darting through town and turning his first corner to the left and there is the chicken again "BUKAAA!" our hero now finding him self looking rather annoyed, he shiftily looks around to see if anyone is watching and then decides to kick the chicken high into the air, the chicken lets off one last "BUK" but it drains out as he flies away.

out of no where a man pops up and points at the hero and his companion and screams "THEY KICKED THE CHICKEN" looking shocked both characters are frozen in place, and the dog then points to the hero in a manner in which to say "it was all him" the scene then cuts to the two running for their life from an angry crowd of villagers, they see the exit of the village in the distance, but wait there just infront of the exit, the chicken with an angry expression and a bat in his hand just tapping it there (like ima kick yo ass boii) he lets out one last "BUCKAA" and the hero covers his face and screams like a little girl.

soo yeah thats the scene im thinking of covering thats the rough outline, i think if done right it has potential to be rather funny without being one running fart joke (although there would be alot in the story) im really liking the idea so far but ill keep coming up with a few more scenes untill i find one that sticks.

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