Tuesday, 26 November 2013

this was inspired by a camera tripod.

Wigs and shizz

So plastic bag + masking tape + thread= beautiful head of hair even the most manly of men could enjoy.

Its not just me that think this looks like a gun right?

I guess you have to look everywhere for inspiration. And I looked at a camera tripod for the layout of a SciFi gun....funny how minds work huh?

Killed with colour...

Literally killed with colour...I wanted to have an experiment with that style of life drawing I was doing....i think I like it I'm not sure but either or I'm going to be playing with it on photoshop.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Im Going To Animate......this is either going to go really good....or really bad....

For A Rakes Progress...i want to break it down and create something new and fun with it....its a story of a young man on a self destructive path with money he was given....so isnt that a rather normal event now days.....i figure lets have some fun with this situation....im tempted to make a couple of seconds of film...maybe a couple of minutes who knows...but im taking alot of inspiration from ego raptor and things like adventure time, simple but great animation that will be well enjoyed....im not quite sure how its going to work but im going to be story boarding and time lining it scene by scene then animation one scene at a time, however many i get done is where i will leave it, although i have a pretty good idea how im going to get it done just no idea of anything else...it will be a challenge but so worth it in the long run.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

a rakes progress, StrangeFace


the strange face is a theater production group  that do a version of A Rake's Progress using masks to bring a more comedic and cartoony feel to the characters, aswell as also making them look a little more creepy. i love this mask work and would really love to move into a production route with my work.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Some old design work

I know its old and its just a picture of my screen but I really like the look and the process of this character I designed.

Little bit different

I decided to try something new with this and just try and go straight for it in pen to get the shading and effect, purely for the purpose that there isn't the option to remove my mistakes.

Norwich Animation

http://www.nua.ac.uk/baanimation/ Nowrich is another university i looked at, the first thing that stuck out to me was the fact that the reprasentative said you dont need any animation experience, we teach you from the ground up. i really like that since i havent had much experience in animation and like the fact that i would really be learning something new.


http://uhanimation.co.uk/ this is a site that i was given at the University Fair we went to in london, its a site from hertfordshire with alot of the final work or all the graduats, going back a long way. It consists of the 2D and 3D animation aswell as the game arts and animation, and also the VFX. the work is really impressive, like really really impressive and now im thinking about going down more of an animation route it is really high on my list of top choices.

Saturday, 16 November 2013


this is a resin mask i found done by an artist on facebook,  really like it and i love the fact that even though it is resin it looks like real metal. 

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

face builds in Manchester museum

A Rakes Progress Textiles

mirror the time lines.

im also considering mirroring time lines, so i could remake the rakes progress 8 pieces but in a future setting kind of like the preditor style masks i posted earlier.

Steam Punk Might Steam On

A Rake's Progress is set around 1732...for twist thats perfect, i really dont like the term "steampunk" since i think it is something that is really overdone, however to stick a twist on a story and make this in a screen situation i love the idea of this.

a rakes progress comes to you done by strangeface, a theater production crew that use masks to portray the charecters, to add both a comedic value and in my personal opinion a little creepy.

Volpin Helm of Ygnol


the work of volpin is amazing, i really like the detail that goes into his work and the final resin casts. resin is something i plan on working in alot, i would really like to work with silicone aswell, however it is really exspensive so instead i shall see how a few thick layers of latex holds up.

Life drawing fail

I was trying some life drawing if a friend for a picture, I didn't think it was bad, however I needed to take more time and attention to detail and work on getting a good facial contrast instead of it being mid tone grays.